
       With the nugget notes set, a headline chosen and my head focused today was the day to write the ad. I followed the standard procedure of ranking all the notes as to which was the most important point to get across first and so forth. I kept repeating the acronym AIDA in my head to make sure it was all flowing in the right order. I'll break that down in a second.

       Here is a copy of my first draft:


Hot New FREE report Reveals…

       How To Make A Boatload of Cash From The Looming Recession!

       Did you know The Wall Street Journal reported that the number of millionaires grew by 600,000 in the past year? Wouldn't you like to be one of the people who will…

Get Rich Even While The Economy Goes Down The Tubes?

       If you are interested in knowing how the bad economy can improve your life and possibly make you very rich, this may be the most important message you will ever read.

       There is a guy who has taught hundreds of people to make money from the good news companies report.

       As the economy turned bad and there was less good news to report, his clients began to panic and he soon became inundated with calls and e-mails from clients seeking advice.

       Well, rather than repeat himself over and over again, he wrote a report on how to not only survive a recession but how to…

Actually Make a Fortune From It!

       Besides having a great understanding of the stock market his friends and colleagues are made up of experts in the fields of finance, investing, marketing, real estate and the economy in general.

       So the report contains more than just his great ideas. It actually reveals what the most savvy rich people are doing right now to make a ton of cash from all bad financial news which is actually good news for them.

       These are people who smile at high gas prices because it means more money in their pockets. They cash in on high foreclosure rates and so on.

       Here are just some of the things revealed in the report..

  • How To Get Paid More For What You Are Already Doing
  • Foolproof Way To Make Money (Hint: It is Easier In A Bad Economy)
  • How To Profit From The Subprime Mess Without Buying Property
  • Who to listen to for advice (hint: It isn't a pro)
  • How 10 hours a Week Can Make You Rich
  • The secret to knowing what stocks are doing well before they report it
  • How To Improve Financial Luck
  • The Simple Trick To Spotting Hot Investments
  • Reveal FREE News Source 99% Of All Investors Don't Know About
  • How To Make Money From Falling Stock Prices
  • The One Little Number That Can Make You Rich When You Retire
  • What Stocks To Invest In
  • Three Things Needed To Thrive In ANY Economy
  • Number One Rule For Dealing With Financial Crisis
  • Why Worrying About Saving Money Can Cost You A Fortune
  • How Rising Interest Rates Can Put Cash In Your Pocket
  • How Bad Fed Decisions can Make You More Money


       Some people aren't happy he is revealing what they are doing. That means the report might not be available much longer so click here to get your copy of the FREE report now.


       Even though this is a lead generating ad and very short, I still tried to incorporate many of the principles grandpa talked about in his letters and books.


There is a story of how the report came about.
The format is designed to mimic a news article.
Power words are used wherever possible.


       Getting back to AIDA. It is an acronym for the four steps of marketing It stands for attention, interest, desire and action in that order.

       It is a pretty well known acronym and grandpa explains it better than I so, without getting too into it, I would like to show you how it played a part in my AD.

       Here is that exact same draft copy except I have highlighted the part designed to get the readers attention in red. This is almost always the headline. It also includes the lead in which in this case is "Hot New Free Report Reveals…" This is a very cookie cutter format used by all good advertorials (Ads designed to look like news stories or editorials).



Hot New FREE report Reveals…

How To Make A Boatload of Cash From The Looming Recession!

       Did you know The Wall Street Journal reported that the number of millionaires grew by 600,000 in the past year? Wouldn't you like to be one of the people who will…

       Get Rich Even While The Economy Goes Down The Tubes?

       If you are interested in knowing how the bad economy can improve your life and possibly make you very rich, this may be the most important message you will ever read.

       There is a guy who has taught hundreds of people to make money from the good news companies report.

       As the economy turned bad and there was less good news to report, his clients began to panic and he soon became inundated with calls and e-mails from clients seeking advice.

       Well, rather than repeat himself over and over again, he wrote a report on how to not only survive a recession but how to…

Actually Make a Fortune From It!

       Besides having a great understanding of the stock market his friends and colleagues are made up of experts in the fields of finance, investing, marketing, real estate and the economy in general.

       So the report contains more than just his great ideas. It actually reveals what the most savvy rich people are doing right now to make a ton of cash from all bad financial news which is actually good news for them.

       These are people who smile at high gas prices because it means more money in their pockets. They cash in on high foreclosure rates and so on.

       Here are just some of the things revealed in the report..

  • How To Get Paid More For What You Are Already Doing
  • Foolproof Way To Make Money (Hint: It is Easier In A Bad Economy)
  • How To Profit From The Subprime Mess Without Buying Property
  • Who to listen to for advice (hint: It isn't a pro)
  • How 10 hours a Week Can Make You Rich
  • The secret to knowing what stocks are doing well before they report it
  • How To Improve Financial Luck
  • The Simple Trick To Spotting Hot Investments
  • Reveal FREE News Source 99% Of All Investors Don't Know About
  • How To Make Money From Falling Stock Prices
  • The One Little Number That Can Make You Rich When You Retire
  • What Stocks To Invest In
  • Three Things Needed To Thrive In ANY Economy
  • Number One Rule For Dealing With Financial Crisis
  • Why Worrying About Saving Money Can Cost You A Fortune
  • How Rising Interest Rates Can Put Cash In Your Pocket
  • How Bad Fed Decisions can Make You More Money


   Some people aren't happy he is revealing what they are doing. That means the report might not be available much longer so click here to get your copy of the FREE report now.



       I am not particularly proud of the headline. I think it was rather obvious, straight forward and attention grabbing. I feel it will do the job, but I don't consider it a brainstorm or some brilliant idea, but I am not out for accolades. I am out for names and email addresses. Since the Headliner and lead in are supposed to get the reader's attention they are highlighted in red.

       The part about there being more millionaires is marked in yellow to indicate the part designed to get their interest and get them to read on.

       Earlier you could see how The Wall Street Journal headline about there being more millionaires sparked my interest and then made it to the nugget notes. Here you can see that I used that little factoid for the beginning.

       Most of the bullets and other things in blue are meant to increase their desire for the report. Here you want to put forth a very positive attitude and you want the ad to exude excitement about the future. As grandpa would put it you want to get their greed glands going.

       The last part in green is the "call to action" designed to make them act or give them a sense of urgency. If done right, this copy is designed to make them feel that if they don't act now they will lose out. Some use act now and receive a bonus, but as you can see, mine pushes the idea that this report might not be around long and if they snooze they may lose.

       The real key here is a plausible reason to make something limited or they may hesitate and as you know, when it comes to sales, delay is death.

       As you can see the ordering instructions are as clear as can be.

       One of the things about gramps was he was out for the money. He loved being at the top of his profession, but he could get lots of praise for how well written an ad was, but only the pieces that made a lot of money made him happy. The same is true with me. Like him, I love praise, but when it comes to work I want results. Start a blog or write a novel if you want to be creative with words. We are in the business of making money. So I make everything as clear as possible when writing for large groups

       With that said I will end with I love you and good luck,



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